Monday, January 18, 2010

The Soupman

Ali "Al" Yeganeh is the original soupman. He started a small soup kitchen in Manhattan that became famous for insanely good soups and poor customer service. In fact, customer service was so bad, that he became the inspiration for Seinfeld's character "the soup nazi".

Yeganeh, who was born in Iran, has stated on numerous occasions that he is very offended by the "Soup Nazi" label. Nevertheless, Seinfeld made him famous. Yeganeh turned his soup kitchen into a successful franchise.

His restaurants still serve fantastic soups. The menu changes daily, but every day they offer one seafood bisque, a vegetarian soup, one spicy Mexican chili, and a clear broth. Then there are other soups such as barley, gumbo, goulash, and creamless vegetable soups, as well as chilled soups.

Ina had a lobster bisque and I had a lentil soup this Saturday at the Soupman restaurant in Northpark.

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