Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sam the Sun

I am Sam the Sun, I live in the Milkey Way Galaxy. There are 8 planets that rotate me and yep i`m that cool. The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiture, Saturn, Neptune, and sometimes Pluto. Every time the planets complete a rotation around me it is 1 year. I am just a averege size star. You should see my dad beetlegeuse he`s the biggest star in the universe. I am 1,392,000 feet in length. Don`t call me old but i`m 5,000,000 years old if you round me to the nearest million. I`m not aloud to leave these planets or my dad will get steaming angry, he will turn from orange to red!!!!!! So basically i`m the one that keeps you as i heard “humans” alive so people should thank me. I could fit at least 1,000,000,000 Jupitures and earth, pluto, venus, mars, mercury to many to count. Pangea did exist 260 million years ago. Well i`m out of stuff to talk about, Pease the universe is intresting.

By Sammy T H

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