Thursday, May 27, 2010

Top Kill

Each oilspill has its iconic images. Usually birds covered with oil, or aid workers bathing or hosing off seals or other animals. Or a broken oiltanker, stuck on a rocky coast.
The iconic image of the current oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is delivered to us by BP itself. The image of plumes of oil gushing into the gulf streamed live on the internet from cameras on remotely operated vehicles placed by BP next to the leaking well 5000 ft. under the sea have been shown extensively by al news stations reporting on the disaster.
All of a sudden, this oil disaster looks reminiscent to the spurts of ash and bursts of steam from the Icelandic Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption last month. Which of course has webcams of its own.
Below you can watch the live stream of the leak through PBS NewsHour’s YouTube channel.

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