Saturday, August 09, 2008

Live TV up in the air

We were all on a Delta Airlines flight from Atlanta to Newark yesterday. At 8:08 pm on 8/8/08 EDT we were probably right over Lynchburg, VA. Most passengers, like us, were watching NBC's broadcast of the opening of the Beijing Olympics on Delta's in-flight entertainment system. Isn't it great to be watching live Dish Network tv at 35,000 ft.?

But wait, NBC did not even show the opening live. It was at least 12 hours delayed until prime time in the US. And it was conveniently interrupted many times for commercials, without missing any of the action.

NBC was much criticized for their decision to delay broadcasting many of the Olympic events. And they even hold off streaming on their website until after it has aired on tv in all timezones. As a results, NBC found itself plugging holes in the Internet yesterday. Live streams of the Olympic Opening were leaking into the US from foreign websites.

To me, these delays don't matter. I rarely watch live tv anyway. I prefer to record and delay shows, so I can skip commercials. But I have to admit that it took away from my live TV on an airplane experience.

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