Sunday, April 01, 2007

van Kaas

What do cheese and painters have in common? Just like for windmills, tulips and liberal drug laws, Holland is known for both cheese and painters. So it should come as no surprise that Dutch cheese exporter K.H. de Jong is succesfully selling a line of cheeses named after famous painters: Rembrandt, Vincent, Mondrian. Even da Vinci has a cheese named after him, even though he's not Dutch. I guess the success of the da Vinci code proved too much for K.H. de Jong to ignore.

While the cheeses are quite tasty, I find the association with famous painters rather cheesy. Atlanta Foods International came up with a more creative blend of Dutch cheese and painting. They are marketing a line of Gouda cheeses under a brandname called "van Kaas". That's classic. Bordewijk or Elsschot could have come up with such a name. The label shows a windmill painted in a van Goghian style against a starry night sky.

Each museum should keep this cheese in their fridge.

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