Saturday, January 20, 2007

Trader Joe's

The buzz started months before the opening of the first store in Atlanta. Trader Joe's is coming to town. There was a lot of guessing which locations would be picked. It turned out the first store opened not far from where we live.

Trade Joe's is a different kind of grocery store. It is an organic discount store, an alternative Aldi. That's not just a coincidence: Aldi actually owns Trader Joe's. Nearly everything is private label, but unlike Aldi's most Trader Joe's products are organic. The stores are designed in a funky Hawaiian style, price tags are handwritten and feature product information and little drawings. This is all done by local artists.
Trader Joe's has a cult following, unlike any other grocery stores. There are even independent blogs dedicated to Trader Joe's. But Trader Joe's is most famous for Two Buck Chuck: its $2 bottles of wine.

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