Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Monkey finds bannanas

By Sammy T.

Paul the monkey was climbing a tree. He found a bannana. He smelled it and tried to find out how to eat it. Paul got a kockanut and hit it. He tried other stuff but nothing worked. Then he bit on it. The sun was setting. Paul brought the banana he found earlier.

The next day he asked his mother to open it. It seems nobody could open it. Paul squirt it but nothing. He went crazy. Then he uses his 
hand and peeled it. It was a mirical. Paul had told everybody how to open it. Soon everybody had a bannana. At night they said Paul was king of the jungle.
Paul bult a kingdom out of pails of rock, leaves, and brances. It was filled with bananas!!!! THE END.
What's the authers purpouse?
  1. to make us laugh
  2. to teach a lesson
  3. to show how dumb monkeys are
  4. to make us bord 
About the auther.
Sammy is in third grade. He is 9 years old and loves to play soccer, football, and enjoys reading books. That's why he makes books.
Monkey finds a bannanas. Paul tryes to open a bannan but he can't. He finds everybody to try, but nothing...

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I woke up in the city formerly known as Porkopolis. Would Porkopolis be the North American equivalent of Poggendam? No, it's Cincinnati which once was the world's major pork processing center. Poggendam, of course, is the nickname of the town of Varsseveld in the Netherlands. Who doesn't know?

Cincinnati owes a great deal of its rapid growth and prosperity to the pig. Hog processing plants and their by-products were responsible for the founding of many of Cincinnati's nationally prominent industries. Procter & Gamble, Kroger, Macy's and Chiquita are all headquartered in Cincinnati.

Celebrating its 200th birthday in 1988, the city commissioned British sculptor Andrew Leicester to create a 300 foot, narrative piece on Cincinnati history and the importance of the Ohio River to its growth and economy. There are 17 major elements, including winged bronze pigs (reflective of the city's dependence on the pork industry), set atop tall columns of riverboat stacks topped with crowns (in reference to poet Longfellow's description of Cincinnati as the Queen City of the West in his poem Catawba Wine).

The winged pigs have gone to heaven, though. Cincinnati is no longer a center of pork industry.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Greg's recital

Greg played an allegro last night at a recital at Cockrill Middle School. Tomorrow he will play solo at Faubion Middle School.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


It's half time at Superbowl XLIII. The Steelers just ran back an interception on the goal line for a 100 yard touchdown in the last 7 seconds of the first half. Just as the Cardinals were looking to take a lead.

And even though Bruce Springsteen told us to put down our guacamole dip and chicken wings, a Superbowl is as much about food as it is about football and music. But of all the horrific economic news, maybe the worst news this week was a chicken wing scare. Supposedly, there would be a shortage of chicken wings right before the Superbowl. It turned out to be a false alarm. So we had Buffalo wings, hamburgers, fajitas with guacamole and salsa. Just like millions of others around the country.

Here's Stephen Colbert on the chicken wing scare: